Play & Network to Restore our world.

Discover Restore'it, and immerse yourself in a rich adventure of learning and green educational networking.


About Restore'it

“Restore'it” is an interactive platform developed by GDA Sidi Amor in collaboration with RIADI Lab and COMWORK, with support from the Hanns Seidel Foundation. It empowers educators to design, implement, and evaluate high-quality technology-enhanced learning (TEL) scenarios focused on ecosystem restoration and climate change.Additionally, it fosters networking, knowledge sharing, and collaboration among green education stakeholders globally. The platform enhances engagement and awareness among digital natives regarding environmental issues and broadens access to climate education.The platform features: (1) a web component with two sections: a game that allows educators and experts to create and search for engaging, pervasive, and immersive scavenger hunt scenarios for digital natives, and a social network connecting organizations, companies, schools, and individuals involved in green education; and (2) a mobile app that enables teachers and network members to conduct these games in real-time with their students across various contexts.

What does Restore'it offer?


Restore'it Green Education Network

Discover our social platform and network with people from all over the world.


Restore'it Interactive Game

Create and play educative scenarios and contribute to restore our world.


Collaborative Partners of Restore'it

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